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Re: Ouch

Posted: 18 Nov 2016, 10:56
by johnh
About 20 years ago I had 'golfer's' elbow (the opposite side to tennis elbow). It was so bad that I once had to walk off the course after a few holes. I went to see this sports injury doctor in Reading and he gave me a cortisone injection, right into the joint, an eye watering experience. This was on a Thursday and I said to him 'when can I play golf again?' He said 'this afternoon if you like'. I played the following day and have never had a problem since.

Re: Ouch

Posted: 18 Nov 2016, 13:08
by Deleted User 728
Weird ANS saying that he chipped his elbow at a gig because I did the same thing about three years ago and I don't know how.

I was in Spain staying with a mate at his villa and we went out on the lash .. woke up the next morning with a rapidly yellowing elbow that was inflamed and very, very painful.

Once the swelling went down a week or so later, I could feel some bits of bone floating in there, where - like ANS - they remain to this day ..

It's like bits of gristle in a pig :D

Oh, and for everyone else : CHECK YOUTUBE FOR EXERCISES !!

As much as the rubber physio fetishist, performing exercises at home can help alleviate the pain quicker.
It still takes ages, but after a couple of weeks you will begin to feel a difference.

Example : for frozen shoulder, the two that helped most were walking my arm up a wall, using the fingers as "feet". The movement is still restricted but lifting it against a resistance surface helps.
Another one was standing sideways against a wall with your arm at a right angle so your hand and forearm are directly in front of you - like a Subbuteo "standing" goalie :D
Then you turn slowly away from the wall but leave the arm there, pressing the hand slightly against it.
It's absolute bloody agony in the shoulder joint, but do it ten or twenty times a day and you can feel it begin to ease slightly over time.

It's a marathon though, so know you're in it for the long haul ..

Re: Ouch

Posted: 18 Nov 2016, 13:21
by Another Northern Soul
My gig was a band called Serious Drinking at Leeds Uni. They did Love On The Terraces, Countdown To Bilko and Bobby Moore Is Innocent, fact fans. Great fun band, I think Peel liked them for a while :D Jeez I remember the accident well... went up to pogo with the mob near the stage, someone must have spilt beer as I slipped and went down like a ton of bricks directly onto my left elbow. I got up, grinned and bore it but it was horrible pain.

Re: Ouch

Posted: 10 Sep 2017, 07:28
by Selby White
Over the years I've had my fair share of knee pain for various reasons. Well a couple of weeks ago i mentioned to her indoors how good it's been this year and put it down to building up strength with all the walking we are doing.
You probably guessed it this week it's now swollen and I'm hobbling around like a good one.

Re: Ouch

Posted: 10 Sep 2017, 16:01
by johnh
There used to be an old football saying, 'rest for knee, exercise for ankle'. (Or was it the other way around?) :shock: