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LUFCTALK Business Directory - add your business here

Posted: 12 Aug 2013, 18:52
by Sheepy
In todays climate its tough making a living so we have decided to have a dedicated thread where LUFCTALK members can make a single post advertising their company or a service they can provide.

As usual, avoid posting any personal details and try to encourage fellow members to contact you via PM if discussing any potential business.

As per our forum rules, we do not allow the advertising of services so what we ask for is that this is restricted to small business and one person operations that would appreciate a little bit of free advertising. So if you work for Sky this is not for you!

Finally, we are aiming this at long standing forum members so If you have less than 50 posts please PM admin/mod to get clearance to post. If you already have over 50 posts - go for it.

Re: LUFCTALK Business Directory - add your business here

Posted: 12 Aug 2013, 22:29
by cheffy007
My better half has just started out as a freelance graphic designer. Will it be ok to post her website address on the site?

Re: LUFCTALK Business Directory - add your business here

Posted: 15 Aug 2013, 06:05
by cadillacjukebox
Marvellous live band, available for private functions.

Cadillac Jukebox

Re: LUFCTALK Business Directory - add your business here

Posted: 15 Aug 2013, 07:23
by Deleted User 728
I've got a 9-5, but on the side I'm a freelance writer:

I’m currently available for the following kinds of work:
Websites - If you’ve never created one, I can either do it for you or show you how
Copy-writing – for press, business and web
Internet – Homepages, blog updates, articles, etc all with or without SEO in mind
Marketing/advertising copy – above and below the line
Press releases and advertorials
Reviews/critiques – music, film & TV; books & theatre; events; restaurants, etc
Speech writing – weddings, business, charity, etc
CV enhancement & interview technique/coaching
English language help for foreign nationals

As a writer, I’m a firm believer in using plain English to communicate. A lot of people say that I write how I speak which I think is a good thing. I’m quite a direct person in real life and I think that comes across on the page as well.
I don’t believe in using a dozen words when a couple of well-chosen ones will suffice so it’s just as well that I don’t charge by the word !
One of my strengths is the ability to listen to a client explain what they want to do, before turning that conversation into the finished article … sometimes, literally.

The initial consultation is always free.

We’ll talk about what you’re looking for from me and explore the background to the task before getting down to the details of the project. I like to get back to clients with thoughts and ideas quite quickly and will usually include ideas for a first draft and an outline of what I intend to do, depending on the nature of the job, along with an estimate of the fee.
Quotes will include research where necessary, so that the price is all-inclusive.

You may be after some help with your CV or perhaps you need a hand writing a speech for a wedding ? Or you could be thinking about a website for your business and don’t know where to start … as you probably say to clients of your own “There’s no job too small”.

I know some of this can be quite daunting for some people, but as Dr.Pepper once famously said: “What’s the worst that can happen?”

Re: LUFCTALK Business Directory - add your business here

Posted: 16 Sep 2013, 13:58
by BigLeedsFan72

I have less than 50 comments on the new site but on the old site I had over 1000 as garper66. My wife hase a sole trader business called

Divine Diggers A.C.C. We go on site in proposed mining sites and give an environmental report on the impact it may have on the environment and Indigenous Heritage sites.

We understand that the LUFCtalk community cannot support us but we have a web site you may be keen to have a look at
The web site has a few photos of interesting sites we have worked on...

Thanks for looking.


Re: LUFCTALK Business Directory - add your business here

Posted: 16 Sep 2013, 14:40
by dlw10
Everyone on here probably already knows me and the fact that I am to all intents and purposes now a full time Leeds United fan! All three of my books have been entirely self published but are now available through several online retailers including Amazon in both paperback and Kindle versions. Some Waterstones shops are also stocking some copies.
If anyone hasn't already had a look at my website then the link is: and details of the books as well as some other stuff can be found there.

Re: LUFCTALK Business Directory - add your business here

Posted: 30 Oct 2013, 19:02
by birkybullufc
Hi all,
I have just started out in the restaurant business.
One Fusion Restaurant
1st Floor 58 Roseville Road
Leeds LS8 5DR
tel: 0113 2421318

The restaurant serves lovely Mediterranean and Caribbean food, all freshly made to order. It is open daily from 12pm - Late. The restaurant is really beautiful and a big surprise to anyone visiting. We are fully licensed. Prices are very reasonable compared to the city centre with no compromise on quality. Plenty of free parking too. Let us know you are an LUFCTalker and we''ll make sure you get the VIP treatment. Look forward to seeing you soon.

Re: LUFCTALK Business Directory - add your business here

Posted: 13 Nov 2013, 20:12
Hi All

I dont have a website for my Bookkeeping business but if anyone needs a Qualified Bookkeeper then email me

Can do everything on HMRC and Companies House.

Only thing i cant do is Audit which you need a proper Accountant to do.

Re: LUFCTALK Business Directory - add your business here

Posted: 14 Dec 2013, 16:12
by Looney4Leeds
Hi All,

Its probably a bit on the late side, but I've just finished getting an Online Shopping site up and running on the Internet. There are a number of decent stores all under one site and its so easy to use!

So if you still have some Christmas Shopping to do and you don't fancy going out into the cold and facing the long queues and last minute scrambles everywhere, then just pop onto the site from your toasty living room while you are still in your pj's and having a nice cuppa tea or coffee .....or something even stronger and shop away!

May I also just wish everyone on this great site, a Brilliant and White Christmas! Thank you!

Keep Calm and March On!!

Re: LUFCTALK Business Directory - add your business here

Posted: 02 Jan 2014, 15:47
by Deleted User 496
Accountant based in Dublin. PM me if interested in a competitive quote. Cheers